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The official guide where is explained how to use browser offers is here: … -300a.html
If you need have a browser offer on external website you may need edit or create a new offer,
here in the configuration page you will have field "URL, enter * at the end for the wildcard"
you should put here the URL without "http://" or "https://" and in the bottom of the page you should set an Identifier for example "a".
Now after saved you need return to the Browser offers page than select "HTML code"
you should put your identifier "a" into the field "Identifier"
"For what domain you are generating embed code?"
Here you need to put your domain again without "http://" or "https://"
now you can try: copy and paste where you want on your external linked website the offers code.
If not work also check this guide topic:
15 - If Browser offers is not working, a possible solution
Hope this helps.
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