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Question; When clients type a message it happens many times that the words they have typed spontanious dissapear. Longer then 2 sentences is not possible. maximum of 10-12 words
Current version installed is - 2.33
Thanks in advance for helping
Last edited by Opticam (2015-10-21 10:58:34)
Typing text is automatically hidden after some time. So nothing to change there.
Thank you for your swift reply,
But that is not what i mean. A client enters text, needs to type a long story. When he presses enter to submit only a part of his message will be send. Many times they need to retype their questions and remakrks because it just dissapears from their text box. It happens while they are typing.
Is it possile to extend the time that a types text remains visible.
Sorry, but not sure I understand your issue. Can you reproduce it on itself and just write exact steps to reproduce it.
Sorry, but not sure I understand your issue. Can you reproduce it on itself and just write exact steps to reproduce it. visitor makes contact via LHC chat box
2.Visitor types his message
3 There is limited space in de textbox
4.When client types 3 sentences the first sentence just dissapears. He needs to retype it again.
5 when he types short sentence, like just 4-5 words and then press send there is no problem.
Strange is that it is not a consistent problem
you can check it on my site, the only person online will be me.
Sorry but your explain is still not clear. Please provide input sentence itself or screenshots. Based on site
Pages: 1