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This page states QT4 and QT5 versions for software I had no idea what that was, so this forum states to install Quick Time Libraries!msg/l … vvlh_LCf8J
Problem is I have no idea what these are or where to find them. I cant find any info on this online. Please can you let us know how to get QT libraries and how to install?
1. It's not quick time libraries it's QT libraries
2. For window to work you do not have to install anything just download application and run it.
3. For mac I don't know. You can just recompile using QT software, just no one of users has compiled bundle package...
Oh right... I did a search previously for QT and some Quick Time pages came up and I just went off down a "Quick Time" path and assumed thats what QT was!
Thanks a lot