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Hi to all,
i've installed the version 3.34.
I want to do the update to the latest version.
on "settings -> update informations" i've many queries to run, but if i run the queries the web site stop to respond correctly.
How can i proceed?
ALTER TABLE `lh_abstract_email_template` ADD `use_chat_locale` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', COMMENT='';
ALTER TABLE `lh_abstract_email_template` ADD `translations` longtext NOT NULL, COMMENT='';
ALTER TABLE `lh_abstract_form_collected` ADD `chat_id` bigint(20) NOT NULL, COMMENT='';
ALTER TABLE `lh_abstract_form_collected` ADD `custom_fields` longtext NOT NULL, COMMENT='';
ALTER TABLE `lh_abstract_proactive_chat_invitation` ADD INDEX `show_on_mobile` (`show_on_mobile`)
ALTER TABLE `lh_abstract_survey` ADD `configuration` longtext NOT NULL, COMMENT='';
ALTER TABLE `lh_abstract_widget_theme` ADD `widget_show_leave_form` tinyint(1) NOT NULL, COMMENT='';
ALTER TABLE `lh_abstract_widget_theme` ADD `enable_widget_embed_override` tinyint(1) NOT NULL, COMMENT='';
ALTER TABLE `lh_abstract_widget_theme` ADD `widget_pright` int(11) NOT NULL, COMMENT='';
ALTER TABLE `lh_abstract_widget_theme` ADD `widget_pbottom` int(11) NOT NULL, COMMENT='';
ALTER TABLE `lh_abstract_widget_theme` ADD `widget_popheight` int(11) NOT NULL, COMMENT='';
ALTER TABLE `lh_abstract_widget_theme` ADD `widget_popwidth` int(11) NOT NULL, COMMENT='';
ALTER TABLE `lh_abstract_widget_theme` ADD `widget_survey` int(11) NOT NULL, COMMENT='';
ALTER TABLE `lh_abstract_widget_theme` ADD `widget_position` varchar(50) NOT NULL, COMMENT='';
ALTER TABLE `lh_canned_msg` ADD `unique_id` varchar(20) NOT NULL, COMMENT='';
ALTER TABLE `lh_canned_msg` ADD INDEX `unique_id` (`unique_id`);
ALTER TABLE `lh_chat` ADD `cls_us` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', COMMENT='';
ALTER TABLE `lh_chat` ADD `gbot_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', COMMENT='';
ALTER TABLE `lh_chat` CHANGE `id` `id` bigint(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT;
ALTER TABLE `lh_chat_accept` CHANGE `chat_id` `chat_id` bigint(20) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `lh_chat_blocked_user` ADD `chat_id` int(11) NOT NULL, COMMENT='';
ALTER TABLE `lh_chat_blocked_user` ADD `dep_id` int(11) NOT NULL, COMMENT='';
ALTER TABLE `lh_chat_blocked_user` ADD `btype` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', COMMENT='';
ALTER TABLE `lh_chat_blocked_user` ADD `expires` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', COMMENT='';
ALTER TABLE `lh_chat_blocked_user` ADD `nick` varchar(50) NOT NULL, COMMENT='';
INSERT INTO `lh_chat_config` (`identifier`,`value`,`type`,`explain`,`hidden`) VALUES ('remember_username','1','0','Should we remember username for the next time visitor starts a chat?','0')
INSERT INTO `lh_chat_config` (`identifier`,`value`,`type`,`explain`,`hidden`) VALUES ('mobile_options','a:2:{s:13:\"notifications\";i:0;s:7:\"fcm_key\";s:152:\"AAAAiF8DeNk:APA91bFVHu2ybhBUTtlEtQrUEPpM2fb-5ovgo0FVNm4XxK3cYJtSwRcd-pqcBot_422yDOzHyw2p9ZFplkHrmNXjm8f5f-OIzfalGmpsypeXvnPxhU6Db1B2Z1Acc-TamHUn2F4xBJkP\";}','0','','1')
INSERT INTO `lh_chat_config` (`identifier`,`value`,`type`,`explain`,`hidden`) VALUES ('vwait_to_long','120','0','How long we should wait before we inform operator about unanswered chat.','0')
INSERT INTO `lh_chat_config` (`identifier`,`value`,`type`,`explain`,`hidden`) VALUES ('autoclose_abandon_pending','0,0','0','Automatically close pending chats where visitor has left a chat. Timeout in minutes, last activity by visitor ,,.','0')
INSERT INTO `lh_chat_config` (`identifier`,`value`,`type`,`explain`,`hidden`) VALUES ('autoclose_activity_timeout','0','0','Automatically close active chat if from last visitor/operator message passed. 0 - disabled, n > 0 time in minutes','0')
INSERT INTO `lh_chat_config` (`identifier`,`value`,`type`,`explain`,`hidden`) VALUES ('ignore_typing','0','0','Do not store what visitor is typing','0')
ALTER TABLE `lh_chat_file` CHANGE `chat_id` `chat_id` bigint(20) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `lh_chat_online_user` ADD `device_type` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', COMMENT='';
ALTER TABLE `lh_chat_online_user` CHANGE `id` `id` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, CHANGE `chat_id` `chat_id` bigint(20) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `lh_chat_online_user_footprint` CHANGE `id` `id` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, CHANGE `chat_id` `chat_id` bigint(20) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `lh_departament` DROP INDEX `identifier`;
ALTER TABLE `lh_departament` DROP `closed_chats_counter`,COMMENT=''
ALTER TABLE `lh_departament` ADD `archive` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', COMMENT='';
ALTER TABLE `lh_departament` ADD `max_load` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', COMMENT='';
ALTER TABLE `lh_departament` ADD `max_load_h` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', COMMENT='';
ALTER TABLE `lh_departament` ADD `inop_chats_cnt` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', COMMENT='';
ALTER TABLE `lh_departament` ADD `acop_chats_cnt` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', COMMENT='';
ALTER TABLE `lh_departament` ADD `bot_chats_counter` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', COMMENT='';
ALTER TABLE `lh_departament` ADD `inactive_chats_cnt` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', COMMENT='';
ALTER TABLE `lh_departament` CHANGE `identifier` `identifier` varchar(2083) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `lh_departament` ADD INDEX `bot_chats_counter` (`bot_chats_counter`);
ALTER TABLE `lh_departament` ADD INDEX `archive` (`archive`);
ALTER TABLE `lh_departament` ADD INDEX `identifier_2` (`identifier`(191));
ALTER TABLE `lh_departament_group` ADD `achats_cnt` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', COMMENT='';
ALTER TABLE `lh_departament_group` ADD `inachats_cnt` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', COMMENT='';
ALTER TABLE `lh_departament_group` ADD `inopchats_cnt` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', COMMENT='';
ALTER TABLE `lh_departament_group` ADD `acopchats_cnt` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', COMMENT='';
ALTER TABLE `lh_departament_group` ADD `pchats_cnt` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', COMMENT='';
ALTER TABLE `lh_departament_group` ADD `bchats_cnt` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', COMMENT='';
ALTER TABLE `lh_departament_group` ADD `max_load` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', COMMENT='';
ALTER TABLE `lh_departament_group` ADD `max_load_h` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', COMMENT='';
ALTER TABLE `lh_msg` CHANGE `id` `id` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT;
ALTER TABLE `lh_userdep` ADD `lastd_activity` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', COMMENT='';
ALTER TABLE `lh_userdep` ADD `always_on` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', COMMENT='';
ALTER TABLE `lh_users` DROP `active_chats_counter`,COMMENT=''
ALTER TABLE `lh_users` DROP `closed_chats_counter`,COMMENT=''
ALTER TABLE `lh_users` DROP `pending_chats_counter`,COMMENT=''
ALTER TABLE `lh_users` ADD `avatar` varchar(150) NOT NULL, COMMENT='';
ALTER TABLE `lh_users` ADD `always_on` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', COMMENT='';
ALTER TABLE `lh_users` CHANGE `username` `username` varchar(80) NOT NULL, CHANGE `departments_ids` `departments_ids` varchar(500) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `lh_users` ADD INDEX `disabled` (`disabled`);
ALTER TABLE `lh_users_session` ADD `notifications_status` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1', COMMENT='';
ALTER TABLE `lh_users_session` ADD `error` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', COMMENT='';
ALTER TABLE `lh_users_session` ADD `last_error` varchar(255) NOT NULL, COMMENT='';
ALTER TABLE `lh_users_session` ADD INDEX `error` (`error`);
ALTER TABLE `lh_abstract_chat_variable` ADD `inv` tinyint(1) NOT NULL, COMMENT='';
ALTER TABLE `lh_abstract_chat_variable` ADD `change_message` varchar(250) NOT NULL, COMMENT='';
ALTER TABLE `lh_generic_bot_rest_api` CHANGE `name` `name` varchar(50) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `lh_abstract_chat_priority` ADD `sort_priority` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', COMMENT='';
ALTER TABLE `lh_abstract_chat_priority` ADD `dest_dep_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', COMMENT='';
ALTER TABLE `lh_generic_bot_bot` ADD `avatar` varchar(150) NOT NULL, COMMENT='';
ALTER TABLE `lh_generic_bot_group` ADD `is_collapsed` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', COMMENT='';
ALTER TABLE `lh_generic_bot_group` ADD `pos` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', COMMENT='';
ALTER TABLE `lh_generic_bot_trigger` ADD `as_argument` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', COMMENT='';
What the corrupt site looks like:
url ../site_admin/
Hi, your version seems to be not updated.
Latest version is 3.78 so please use updated software.
You need also run a good supported PHP version.
Error server logs can help you you can also try to debug issues: … bug-output
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1. Once you click update database for sure it will break
2. Now you should just update the files so they will mach database.
Pages: 1